Saturday, May 20, 2017

Not Quite Lightspeed

I'll cut right to it. I was aiming to release White Star: White Box Science Fiction Roleplaying: Galaxy Edition in PDF by the beginning of North Texas RPG Con during the first weekend of June. Sadly, this simply isn't going to happen. This does not mean Galaxy Edition is going anywhere. It's coming, and this delay is being implemented to prevent releasing a rushed product.

We're now aiming for a Summer 2017 digital release instead of Spring 2017, with print to follow. Until that time, if you want to get an idea of what White Star is all about you can grab the original White Star and the White Star Companion at a Pay-What-You-Want price for both PDF and Print at and

I appreciate the support and patience everyone has shown the game and apologize for the delay.


  1. Get it right first. The ones you sell will be out there forever so make sure they're right!

  2. ^ This. A thousand times, this. ^

  3. Not to sound like a dingus, but I was half expecting this. Things always take longer than expected, and I'd rather have you put time/care into production than end up with a rush job.

  4. Will the Galaxy Edition have new material, or is it a compilation of the Core rules and the Companion? Thanks.

    1. It will include about 50 or so pages of new material in addition to what was in the Core and Companion.

  5. Better finished than rushed. I am just curious though, any plans for Dark Star Rising or is that project caput? I was looking forward to a sci-fi mega adventure.

    1. I'm still planning on doing a mega-adventure for White Star, but its a bit down the pipeline.

  6. I'm very excited about this. I want to retool the Star Sailors book and make a set of minis for them.

  7. will there be any discount for people who bought original two books way before?

  8. I am greatly looking forward to this release.

  9. Glad I stumbled across your blog, not even sure how I did White Star, looking forward to the Galaxy Edition.


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